On the farm where we grow our chillies there was an old food truck. It’s had many lives over the years and since its last incarnation as a Thai takeaway has been sat in a corner of a farm, sad and neglected. So when our mate said he was throwing a big party for his birthday, we decided to take the bull by the horns. We dragged the truck out of its hiding place and set to work. Several days of cleaning, painting, cleaning, renovating, cleaning, installing equipment, cleaning and kitting it out we were ready to serve. And it went down a storm!
We kept the menu simple. We made a base vegan chilli using Ellup Original Sauce. Then we rubbed, spiced and slow cooked some brisket. Then we offered any combination on dirty fries, nachos, or in a quesadilla. Add any extras you like and top it off with either Original Ellup or Bleddy Ellup and you have a taste extravaganza!
The feedback was so good we are going to renovate the truck completely and take her on the road and so, the Hillbilly Chilli Truck was born.
If you have an event or outside space that could benefit from some Ellup then get in touch with us. We would love to come and cook for you and we will always have bottles of our sauce for sale too!